Zendesk Google Business Messages Installation GuideZendesk Google Business Messages Installation Guide

Zendesk Google Business Messages Installation Guide

This the installation guide for connecting your Google Business (formerly Google My Business) listing to Zendesk to enable Google Business Messages chat function across Google Maps and Google Search.
You can start chatting with your customers on Google Maps and Google Search through Zendesk Support.
To install please head to the application on the Zendesk App Marketplace through the link below:

Installation Instructions

After you install the application on the marketplace;
Go to Admin Center → Select Channel apps from Apps and integrations tab on the left and Click ‘Google Business Messages’
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Select the ‘Accounts’ tab and click ‘Add account’ button on the upper right corner
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Click ‘Connect Google Business Profile’ button
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Sign in with your Google Account
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Check both checkboxes then click ‘Continue’
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Fill out the form completely. Note that your email must have the same domain with your website URL.
For example website url: bournelabs.com and email is jason@bournelabs.com
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Select the locations that you’d like to enable chat for
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Enter your brand information
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Enter Agent Information
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Enter the availability of your agents
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Once you click ‘Submit’, your Google Business Messages agent and locations will be launched.